You start with the introduction where we give you the conditions for wing suit flying indoors, go through the safety rules that apply and learn the hand and main signs that we use inside the wind tunnel.
Then you get to fly: first with a seatbelt and then free flight. The flight takes place in three sessions of 10 minutes each, spread over one or more days. Between flight sessions, you get much-needed rest and coaching from your instructor. We recommend that you set aside at least half a day to complete the program.
You get a personal time account in our booking system and can then fly any number of minutes when you are with us.
Once you have purchased the basic course, we will contact you and find a suitable date and times for your visit with us.
With a total flight time of 30 minutes, some learn to fly so well that they can be certified for free flight, without a harness and safety lines. But most people need a little more time.
If you need more time than 30 minutes, you can purchase additional time in blocks of 10mins.
Here you will find a short video that shows an overview of the course implementation: