Booking and flying with us

Here’s how it works:

  1. Decide on how much tunnel-time you want. Below you find our guide to what you can expect. If you have questions, we’re here to help you. Best is if you email us at
  2. Buy a suitable First Visit Pac or Training Pac that you find under Prices and Pacs corresponding to your ambition and length of stay. You need to have purchased before we can help you with bookings. Purchased time stays on your account that we create for you after the purchase.
  3. We will get in contact with you briefly after purchase by the email you entered during check-out, or optionally you can contact us by email through
  4. Together we find suitable dates and bookings matching your availability and travel plans.
  5. We can advice on hotels or hostels depending on your needs. We have a some good deals to offer our guests.
  6. Once you arrive to our site, you check-in and the flying fun begins!


How much tunnel time should I go for ?

Depends…..What is your ambition? How long do you plan to stay? Wanna go ”all-in” or just ”try a little”?  It’s up to you. If you feel uncertain, contact us at and we’ll help you out.

Below is some guidance.

A typical first visit progression

Start-Up training

Day 1: 30–60 min

Belly flying skills

Day 2–3: 30–60 min/day

Cumulative time: 1-2h

Back flying skills

Day 2–3: 30–60 min/day

Cumulative time: 2-4h

Acro -Big Suit -TrackSuit

Day 3–5: 30–60 min/day

Cumulative time: 4h+

Day 1 (30–50 min with coaching):
Your first visit at Indoor Wingsuit Stockholm starts with our ”Start-Up” training program. Together with one our of Flight Masters (coach) you will be given a fast start and basic training. It is the necessary foundation for continued training and contains both briefings (safety and how-to) and flight training, starting in our Assist system and finishing in you qualifying as a Certified Indoor Wingsuit pilot, capable, safe and approved of solo belly flying in the tunnel. Flight time needed is usually 30–40 minutes, done as 10 minutes sessions with 4 flights of 2,5 minutes.

Here’s a short video giving you an overview of the ”Start-Úp” training.

Some customers continue already day one into ”Basic skill progression”, and fly more than 30 minutes. More then 60 minutes day 1 is difficult to manage.

Day 2–3 (30–50 min/day with coaching):
Basic skill training” is next step. This means flying together with one of our Flight Masters, practicing the basic skill sets: 2-way belly and back flying with various skill improving exercises. Here you may choose to use your own intermediate suit of preference. During this phase guests typically spend 30–90 minutes flight time depending on rate of progression.

Day 3–5 (30–50 min/day):
”Advanced training” follows, coaching towards your area of interest. Within acrobatics training of transitions and advanced 2/3-way flying is popular. Big Suit and Tracking Suit training are also common. We use our Adjustable Angle capability to offer good training conditions here (Glide Ratio 1.5–2.2). You fly coached by one of our Flight Masters. 

Some customers prefer to fly together with friends as 2/3-ways and share sessions. This can be done after the ”Basic Skill training”, typically day 3–5. Perhaps your choice is a mix of coached flying and shared time with a friend?