The crazy ones


PETER GEORÉN is a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and heads up the institute’s Integrated Transport and Research Lab. Peter has several years of experience from managing and driving technological innovative work, and has among other things worked with the connected and automated electronic cars of the future. He has been involved in several startups. Previously, CTO of CromoGenics which developed smart windows.

Together with Anton Westman, Peter took part in the development of skydiving internationally in the 1990’s. He was one of the pioneers in Sweden who could master flying head down relative to other skydivers so well that he could take close ups of the other divers standing on his head in the air.

Peter has been responsible for making the dream to fly for real in a horizontal wind tunnel a reality. By inclining a section of the tunnel, and modify it with tools and accessories controlling the airflow, Peter has developed the world unique technology – patent pending – that makes Indoor Wingsuit Flying possible.


ANTON WESTMAN, MD PhD, has several years of experience in air sports and aerospace medicine innovation, development and research.

He has been part of the development of sport parachuting within several disciplines during the 1990’s and the 2000’s, and the safety of the same during the 2000’s and the 2010’s. For the latter, he has been awarded with the highest distinction by the World Air Sports Federation.


JOHAN STRÖMBERG has more than 15 years of experience from international business development and sales in technologically intensive and innovative companies. He has acted as advisor for several startups and smaller companies from early stage to IPO and has great experience from negotiations and contract legislation. His latest assignment is with US-based CompatibL Technologies where he is head of business development.

Johan does not have a past in skydiving, but was one of the first to try soar in a vertical wind tunnel – in the US in 1989.

Indoor Wingsuit Flying Stockholm becomes a reality much thanks to Johan’s efforts. He has lead the activities to find partners and investors, which has made it possible to rebuild the old military test facility into the world’s first inclined wind tunnel where anyone can come and fly in.


JONAS THOLIN has extended experience from management, marketing and sales on a large and small scale. For twenty years, he was with the Tholin & Larsson-Gruppen, where he acted as the CEO the last five years. He has previously worked as a journalist and editor for the daily press and business journals, and has held board assignments for several publishers.

Jonas is responsible for marketing, sales and media contacts regarding Indoor Wingsuit Flying. Neither he has previous experience from skydiving. However, he is an accomplished skier who has spent a decent amount of time heli-skiing in Canada. A windsurfer like Peter and Anton.